Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear God: About Arizona...

To pray this morning and think that there are others who will be targets of legal and social marginalization because of how they look - must really cause you to wince.

I wonder if you wonder how long it will take for peoples and nations alike to see one another as the great creation of your Love: equal and part of the great fabric you have woven.

I wonder, too, how you consider the performance of your places of worship in speaking out against this and other forms of marginalization and oppression that serve no purpose except to satisfy the perverse satisfaction of fear-based control.

My prayers are with the people of Arizona, this morning, all of them - and for all of us, who need to put the pressure on - always - to eliminate such blatant forms of discrimination.

How could you have us do otherwise...

Appreciate your help in guiding us...

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